We have a clear and transparent refund policy known to safeguard the interest of all our genuine customers who are looking forward to get their refund but are unable to find all the procedures and guidelines before experiencing any of the difficulties in getting your refund.


Please take a look at what all is required for you to take care at the time of seeking a refund from us:


Please note that we shall refund up to 50% of the amount that you paid at the time of registering for any ofour Paid Membership Plans.

It's mandatory to upload at least one of your recently taken photographs.

Your relationship manager fails to provide at least 2 profiles within 48 hours of paying the membership fee.

Once the members availed response from Saanjhmatrimony.com department, there will be no payback for received remittance.


We don't offer Money back guarantee for those who enjoy our privileged Diamond Membership service. This is due to the fact that we don't guarantee if the client can follow particular search protocols & understand the technicality of search measures or captivating follow-ups.No request for a refund will be entertained for those who are suerior members, especially if they have communicated with other profiles by any means.


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